Looking for a way to cut your tax bill or boost your refund before you file? Don’t forget that contributions that you make to your retirement accounts between Jan. 1 and April 16 of this year can count toward either your 2016 or 2017 tax return. [More]
tax credit

Reminder: You Can Still Cut Your 2016 Taxes By Making IRA Contributions

Um, So What's Going To Happen When The Home Buying Tax Credit Expires?
Here’s a question nobody knows the answer to: What’s going to happen when the (already extended) Homebuying Tax Credit expires April 30th? [More]

Homebuyer Tax Credit Extended To June 2010, Woot!
As anticipated, President Obama signed the 8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit extension into law on Friday. You can now collect the credit if your home purchase is complete by June 30, 2010. But wait, there’s more! The extension also offers a tax credit for people who are purchasing a new residence, but aren’t first-time homeowners.

$8000 Credit For New Homebuyers Might Get Extended
Washington is working on getting the up-to-$8000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers due to expire in November extended, and perhaps even expanded to current homeowners buying a new house. [AP] (Photo: sflovestory)

Good News! You Got A Tax Cut! Bad News! You Might Want To Adjust Your Withholding!
CNN points out that while it’s wonderful to be getting the “Making Work Pay” tax credit right away through your employer adjusting your withholding — some people might end up getting more credit than they really are entitled to — meaning they may end up owing money at the end of the year.
The $15,000 tax credit for homebuyers that we were getting so many excited emails about has been dropped from the stimulus bill. Sorry, America. [Consumer Reports]

Economic Stimulus Reminder Notes Are Here!
We recently received our “Economic Stimulus Payment Notice,” and it seems worth far less than the $41.8 million the Treasury spent on printing and mailing. The letter contained no surprises, but did extend the tantalizing possibility that we would receive “a notice and additional information shortly before the payment is made.” Check out the full letter and a handy eligibility chart, after the jump.