
You Can Apparently Fool Samsung Galaxy S8 Facial Recognition With A Photo

You Can Apparently Fool Samsung Galaxy S8 Facial Recognition With A Photo

A number of companies have turned to facial recognition as a way to offer customers another level of security: from MasterCard’s “selfie” verification to British Airways’ face-scanning boarding process. Now, Samsung is using the technology as a way to unlock its new Galaxy S8 smartphone, but it turns out the process may not be as secure as one would hope.  [More]

Detect Paypal Phishes Without Thinking

Detect Paypal Phishes Without Thinking

Now you can determine whether that latest “Paypal Account Notification” you got was a Paypal phish and you don’t even have to have a brain. Phil says:

How To Spot A PayPal Spoofer

How To Spot A PayPal Spoofer

As a person who conducts many thousands of dollars worth of transactions through PayPal every month, I’ve become rather adept at spotting a spoof. Not only is Thunderbird pretty excellent at picking up on scams, but a quick commonsense check when looking over an email from PayPal is all that it takes to thwart most spoofers. Does the ‘Click Here to Resolve’ actually link to PayPal? You can tell simply by hovering your mouse over the link and looking at the URL at the bottom. No? Ergo, not from PayPal.

Hostel World Spoofs Hostel

Hostel World Spoofs Hostel

AdFreak points out this awesome advertisement for HostelWorld, playing off of the movie Hostel, which you might remember is a film primarily celebrating every adult’s most primal fantasy: to chainsaw torture to death those On The Road spouting smelly beatniks who pompously preach about the “purity” of traveling with only ten dollars in their pocket, a single pair of underpants in their rucksack and a twenty pound bag of rice slung over their shoulder.