Like Jimmy McGill lounging in a resort pool while charging drinks to another guest’s room, an apparent con artist in South Carolina recently told police he’s been freeloading his way around the luxury hotels of the Southeast, charging thousands of dollars in purchases to rooms where he was never the guest. [More]
south carolina

Sears Holdings Plans At Least 4 More Kmart Store Closures In May
After a tough year of losing half a billion dollars less than they did in 2014, Sears Holdings, parent company of Sears and Kmart, announced plans to close about 50 stores in the coming months. What the company no longer does is send out big announcements with lists of stores slated for closure, instead submitting local closings to local news outlets. That’s cool, but we’re a national news outlet that likes to pay attention to national trends, so we compiled a list for anyone who is interested. [More]

DOJ Sues To Shut Down Liberty Tax Franchisee For Giving People Fake Jobs Based On Their Hobbies
Federal prosecutors are asking the court to shut down a Liberty Tax Service franchise in South Carolina, alleging that these locations have deliberately prepared false and inflated federal tax refunds by giving them income from fictional jobs and claiming children that don’t exist. [More]

Man Accused Of Shoving Steak Down Pants, Cans Of Beer Up Shirt
The Internet puts stories from news outlets all over the world at our fingertips, which leads to one inevitable question: why do people steal meat by stuffing it down their pants so often? It’s a crime that has suddenly increased in some areas, and people commit crimes against meat out of either hunger or desperation for cash. The latest alleged meat thief was making a nice meal out of a package of steaks, two 24-ounce beers, and a package of cream cheese. [More]

South Carolina Orders Uber To Cease Operations Until Proper Certificates Are In Place
The list of cities, states and countries that have ordered ride-sharing service Uber to halt operation in their area continues to grow. The latest service issue comes from South Carolina as the state’s Public Service Commission sent the company a directive to cease and desist service immediately. [More]

Home Depot Employees Replace Stolen Xmas Gifts For Family Of Regular Customer
When employees at a South Carolina Home Depot heard that a regular customer of theirs had been the victim of a theft that left his family without Christmas gifts, they pitched in to do something they didn’t have to, replacing those stolen gifts and giving this family a belated but happy holiday. [More]

Restaurant Offers Free Food In Exchange For Election Campaign Signs
The elections are mercifully over and whatever you think of the outcome, you probably agree that people can’t remove all those unsightly campaign signs quickly enough. So one restaurant chain based in South Carolina is offering free food to customers who help clean up the mess left by the democratic process. [More]

McDonald’s Employee Who Left Daughter At Park Suing TV Station For Revealing Personal Details
When someone is arrested, it’s not uncommon for local media reports to say something like “Bob Smith, of the 1900 block of Main St., was charged with…” but you don’t usually get that person’s full home address and Social Security number. Yet that’s what happened when a TV station in South Carolina posted the full, unedited police interview with a McDonald’s employee who’d been arrested for leaving her 9-year-old daughter at a park while she worked. [More]

If You’re Going To Be Arrested, Don’t Let It Be For Failing To Return J.Lo’s ‘Monster-In-Law’
Theft is theft, even it’s not returning a VHS copy of a middling Jennifer Lopez/Jane Fonda romantic comedy to the video, and even if it’s been nearly nine years since you rented it. [More]

Walmart Customers Charged With Beating Security Guard, Running Off With 55 DVDs
On Friday, a Walmart security guard in South Carolina confronted a woman who was pushing a cart filled with DVDs that she hadn’t paid for out the door. That’s his job. Instead of surrendering or simply running off, the two women allegedly started hitting the guard and then ran off. [More]

Dead Woman Found In Dillard’s Dressing Room, Store Closes Down
When a dead newborn turned up in the rest room of a Kohl’s department store in Kentucky last week, some shoppers were horrified to learn that they were browsing sales right near a possible homicide investigation. Maybe the management of other chains paid attention: a 57-year-old died in the dressing room of a North Carolina Dillard’s store, and management shut the whole store down. [More]

Nike Pulls Panthers T-Shirt Because North Carolina Is Not Shaped Like South Carolina
States come in all kinds of funny shapes and sizes — that one’s squiggly, that one’s a rectangle and that one is a mitten, see? — so we can see how someone just eyeballing a state’s outline could get it wrong. Perhaps someone at Nike forget to check a map before printing up a batch of Carolina Panthers T-shirts with the team logo and an “NC” inside a the outline of a state. [More]

State Goofs, Demands Man Pay Back $17,000 In Unemployment Benefits
Back in 2007, when a newly unemployed New Jersey man decided to relocate to South Carolina, he checked with the state to let them know about the move and to make sure he was filing all his unemployment records properly. $17,000 and multiple assurances from state employees later, he was suddenly told he needed to repay all that money. [More]

If You’re Unhappy With Your Onion Rings, Don’t Slam Your Tray Into Burger King Employee’s Face
Of all the things in the world that might be worth getting into a physical altercation over, Burger King onion rings are pretty far down the list for most people. Apparently that’s not the case for one couple in South Carolina. [More]

If You Want To Drink On Election Day In S. Carolina Or Kentucky, You’d Better Buy Booze Today
No matter which side you’re rooting for (if any) in tomorrow’s election, if you live in South Carolina or Kentucky you have another choice to make, thanks to a holdover from Prohibition days. You can either buy booze today to toast your team tomorrow or go without. Both states outlaw the selling of alcohol on Election Day, either in restaurants or at liquor stores. [More]

Florida, Other States Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion Four Years Before They Are Expected To Pay A Dime
Even though the expansion of Medicaid to cover several million more low-income Americans isn’t slated to begin until January 2014 — and even though states aren’t scheduled to begin contributing anything to the expansion until 2016 — some states have already declared their intention to not take part in the program. [More]

McDonald's Staffer Learns That Spitting In The Tea Will Get You Arrested
The history of spit-in-food goes back approximately 2,700 years, with the first known instance often attributed to a disgruntled fry cook at a lamb burger joint in a suburb of Babylon. That storied tradition continues to this day, with an employee at a South Carolina McDonald’s arrested for allegedly leaving behind his phlegm in two customers’ teas. [More]