south america

HER-NAN Saves Kingdom With Powers Of Castle VISAskull

HER-NAN Saves Kingdom With Powers Of Castle VISAskull

VISA is blanketing Argentina with a new ad in which a shopper named Hernan is turned into “HER-NAN,” like HE-MAN, imbued with the powers of Castle Greyskull. You don’t need to know Spanish to experience the awesomeness, but we also have a translation. [More]

Wells Fargo Holds Your ATM Card Hostage In Portland. You Live In Bolivia.

Wells Fargo Holds Your ATM Card Hostage In Portland. You Live In Bolivia.

John is in Bolivia. His money is not, thanks to Wells Fargo incompetence that has him making $10 phone calls to executive customer service and his friend wiring him thousands of dollars. [More]