Once upon a time, if you were unfortunate enough to get gonorrhea, it could be treated with penicillin or several other widely used antibiotics. Not only are those drugs largely ineffective in treating the sexually transmitted disease, but a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a worrisome recent increase in resistance to the drugs that still can be used to treat gonorrhea. [More]

Sex Manual Returned 54 Years Late After Failing To Save Library Patron’s Marriage
When you’re turning to a sex manual from the 1920s for help in your failing marriage, well, let’s just say you can’t blame a book if it can’t be revived. But at least the family of a library patron who failed to return a 1926 how-to guide all the way back in 1959 has managed to finally bring it back, albeit 54 years late. [More]

CEO Equates Bricks-And-Mortar Retail With Sex, Says Neither Are Going Away
While some futurists predict an end to bricks-and-mortar retail shopping, with everyone shopping online and getting their purchases delivered (or 3-D printed) to their homes, there are an awful lot of people who still enjoy the experience of going out to the store and getting their shop on. And one retail tech CEO thinks that, like other human desires, the availability of the Internet can’t fully sate this lust for real-world shopping. [More]

Sex On A Pile Of Cash Didn’t Meet Man’s Expectations
For one California man, having sex on a giant pile of money sounded a lot more fun than it actually was. Not because it was uncomfortable or slippery or inconvenient, but because the woman he made these plans with was really a couple of guys who robbed him of the $2,000 he had planned on using for a snuggly soft love nest. [More]

Using Viagra When You Don’t Need It Could Make You Psychologically Dependent On It
Many moons ago, when Viagra first came on the market, I had a co-worker who went through those pills like they were breath mints, in spite of not actually needing them. And he’s not alone, as untold number of men without erectile dysfunction use the drug recreationally, believing it enhances their lovemaking prowess. But the results of a new study claim that all the pill-popping may lead users to second-guess their erectile ability. [More]

The Best Mattresses For That Other Thing You Use Mattresses For
Our lab-coated cousins down the hall at Consumer Reports may test all kinds of products extensively, including mattresses, but we’re fairly certain they’ve never produced a ratings chart like this one. Hilariously-named sleep product review site Sleep Like the Dead polled their users to find out which type of mattress is best for the second most important thing that most people use their beds for: sex.

Weighing The Costs Of Birth Control Options
With the issue of birth control and who should pay for it becoming quite the hot button issue of late, it’s a good a time as any to compare the costs of some of the more popular contraception methods. [More]

Junk Food Makes Young Guys Infertile, Study Says
Scientists probably don’t conduct studies to promote chalupas as passive birth control. Still, young, sexually active men who want to do discourage their sperm from making them fathers may justify eating more fast food due to findings that junk food can lower the quality of sperm. [More]

Woman Sues After Sex Toy Causes Pain, Bleeding
A Northern California woman is suing a sex toy manufacturer, saying she was hospitalized with pain and bleeding after using the device with her boyfriend. The woman wants damages from the company for personal injury, negligence, and breach of warranty. [More]

The Older You Get, The More Often You Forget To Use Condoms
Adults are quick to preach to children the virtues of safe sex, but not so careful to practice them. According to an Indiana University study, adults use condoms during casual sex at a rate far lower than that of teens. [More]

Sex At Goldman Sachs Is Cool As Long As You Report It
On the (high) heels of a sex-discrimination lawsuit filed last week by three female current and former Goldman Sachs employees, The Daily Beast takes a look at the investment firm’s official and unofficial internal policies on dating and sex. Basically, a far worse crime than a boss groping a subordinate is a subordinate not reporting it. No news yet though on what their internal policies are on screwing America in the workplace. [More]

Man Arrested For Spilling His Midichlorians On Star Wars Toy In Florida Walmart
The Smoking Gun website has posted an affidavit describing a particularly skeevy toy aisle incident in a Florida Walmart. A man allegedly took a copy of the February Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue over to the toy aisle, then masturbated to it in front of the Star Wars toys. When he was done, according to a Walmart employee who witnessed the incident, he wiped his hand on a nearby toy; a police source who spoke with TSG says it was a Star Wars lightsaber. [More]

Couple Says Real Estate Agent Used Their Home For Sex
Earlier this month, a couple in Minnesota filed a lawsuit against a local Coldwell Banker franchise and a real estate agent the company employed, alleging that the agent used the home for sexcapades while they were out of town, ruining their furniture, bedding and carpet. Neighbors say he showed up one day with an unidentified man and said they were going to be preparing the home for an open house, but no open house was held. Or at least not one the neighbors could see; maybe he uses that phrase in a different way. [More]

This Condom Warning Label Arouses Confusion
A reader bought this box of condoms from her local Safeway, and she says this sticker was underneath the outer packaging. People be freaky, but is there anyone who would want a raw chicken condom that you have to keep frozen until use? (Meh, probably.) [More]

ACLU Makes Walgreens Sell Men Emergency Contraceptives
The ACLU says it found out Walgreens stores in Texas and Mississippi refused to sell emergency contraceptives to men, then pressured the pharmacy to order those locations to fall in line with corporate policy and let the men have their morning-after pills. [More]

Passenger Accused Of Groping Sleeping Woman On Continental Flight
A 63-year-old New Jersey man has been charged with abusive sexual contact after he was allegedly caught reaching under a sleeping woman’s blanket on a recent Continental flight from Hong Kong to Newark. Passengers seated behind the man say they saw him reaching under the blanket, so they kicked the woman’s seat to wake her, at which point she alerted the flight crew. [More]

America's First Legal Male Prostitute Quits After Three Months
Markus, the first legal male prostitute in the U.S., hung his shingle at the Shady Lady Ranch in Nevada in January. Since then he’s had “fewer than 10 paying customers” according to the Associated Press (which seems to imply there were some free samples maybe?), so he’s quitting and going back into porn. In other words, there’s a new opening at Shady Lady, gentlemen. Wait, that totally didn’t sound right. [More]