print is moribund

Retailers Do Not Want To Sell Magazines, Porn, Porn Mags

Retailers Do Not Want To Sell Magazines, Porn, Porn Mags

Add this to the woes facing the magazine industry: retailers are cutting back on the space they allocate to print products, and many are outright banning titles that show a little skin. Over the last three years, 18,000 North American retailers stopped carrying magazines, an 11.3% decline. [More]

If I Wanted A Newspaper Subscription, I Would Subscribe To
Your Newspaper, Wouldn't I?

If I Wanted A Newspaper Subscription, I Would Subscribe To Your Newspaper, Wouldn't I?

Sure, times are difficult in the newspaper business, and new and innovative ways to attract readers are essential right now. However, we can go ahead and not recommend this method. Laura writes that the carrier for her local weekly paper subscribed everyone on her route by default, and left a cheerful note telling them to call customer service if they didn’t want it. [More]

Newspapers Add Card Readers To Vending Machines In Vain Attempt To Sell More Ink

Newspapers Add Card Readers To Vending Machines In Vain Attempt To Sell More Ink

As newsstand prices continue to go up, and circulation numbers take the elevator in the opposite direction, newspaper publishers are looking for new ways to make it a little less daunting for customers to part with the money needed to buy their daily dead tree. One idea: credit card readers on vending machines. “Have you got eight quarters in your pocket right now?” asks Ian Jackson, VP for circulation at The Wall Street Journal, which sells for, yes, $2.00 at street level. [More]