
How To Decrease Your Attachment To Your Stuff

How To Decrease Your Attachment To Your Stuff

The very things that made you giddy when you bought them can fill you with anxiety when they become clutter or high-maintenance burdens. There’s an exhilaration to decluttering your home, and in turn, your life. [More]

Confessions Of A Former Hoarder

Most people presumably watch the A&E show Hoarders to gawk at people who lack self-control and have allowed themselves to live in squalor. But then there’s another subset of the viewership, who watch because they see a little too much of themselves in the subjects. [More]

Use Rust Stickers To Make Your Stuff Seem Like Junk?

Use Rust Stickers To Make Your Stuff Seem Like Junk?

Here’s a clever idea: Rust stickers that you can apply to your car or bike to make it seem crappy… even though it’s secretly awesome.