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DirecTV Says My Being Out Of Town Is An Explanation For Mystery Porn Charges

DirecTV Says My Being Out Of Town Is An Explanation For Mystery Porn Charges

We’re sure cable companies constantly get calls from parents complaining about pay-per-view porn charges that no one in their house will own up to. But apparently folks at the satellite provider also thinks people are breaking into empty houses just to watch overpriced T&A. [More]

Bank Of America "Significantly Hindered" Federal Review Of Loans

Bank Of America "Significantly Hindered" Federal Review Of Loans

Lest you think it’s just consumers having a difficult time getting information and assistance from Bank of America, a newly uncovered report states that BofA stymied a federal review of loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration. [More]

Woman Arrested For Squatting In $3.3 Million Mansion

Woman Arrested For Squatting In $3.3 Million Mansion

If you’re going to live in a house that doesn’t belong to you, why not make it a luxury home? After all, there are more than a few of them sitting empty these days. And that’s exactly what a woman in Washington state had been doing, at least until she got caught. [More]

Massive Layoff At Dell Call Center

Massive Layoff At Dell Call Center

Dell’s Oregon based call center experienced a massive layoff this morning, according to KPIC. All of the employees were herded into a conference room and told that their positions had been eliminated.

Comcast Changes Your Telephone Number, Neglects To Inform You

Comcast Changes Your Telephone Number, Neglects To Inform You

Welcome, Comcast, to Houston, TX, where you’ve already managed to irritate your brand new customers. Laura Gill is perhaps the most irritated of them all.