
Get 75% Off Your ATT ETF By Switching To Pay-As-You-Go

Get 75% Off Your ATT ETF By Switching To Pay-As-You-Go

If arguing for completely getting out of your AT&T early-termination-fee isn’t your thing, you can try doing what Felix did and get 75% off it.

Ira Glass Rescues Coworker From MCI Hell

Ira Glass Rescues Coworker From MCI Hell

One of the producers over at the lovely This American Life radio show was overbilled by MCI (which has since merged with Verizon) for $946.36 and was sent to collections and told lie after lie that they were going to fix the problem. It’s not until host Ira Glass gets involved and starts recording the customer service calls that her issue is finally resolved. The account is credited, the company apologizes, and the Senior VP of Customer Service send her a gift basket of cheese chocolates and crackers. Aw. You can listen to the story here, it’s the second act, about 30 minutes into the show.

Telcos: We’re Down With P

Telcos: We’re Down With P

And that stands for privacy.

MCI Loses The Sandman as a Customer

MCI Loses The Sandman as a Customer

MCI has an impressive array of overlaid customer service systems. They have an automated email reply which carefully deduces your problem and sends back possible solutions, a guy in India and then another robot system of multiple steps you have to take so they can determine whether you’re actually an MCI customer and worthy of opening a ‘trouble ticket.’ Which might be dandy if any of these multi-million dollar apparatchiks worked, or, if in the first place, Neil Gaiman, of The Sandman fame, could call his daughter’s cellphone in the UK on MCI long distance lines.