mars chocolate

Boxes Of Plain M&Ms That Really Contain Peanut Butter M&Ms Recalled

Boxes Of Plain M&Ms That Really Contain Peanut Butter M&Ms Recalled

I think that peanut butter M&Ms are one of the tastiest invention in candy history, but not everyone agrees. Some people are allergic to peanuts, and some people just don’t like ’em. These people wouldn’t find a box full of peanut butter M&Ms in a plain M&Ms box to be a pleasant surprise, so 36 lots of the candy have been recalled. [More]

Mars Shells Out $270M For Its First New Candy Factory In 35 Years

Mars Shells Out $270M For Its First New Candy Factory In 35 Years

There are some things you can bet on it’s that there will always be someone, somewhere who wants chocolate. Unless our future alien overlords deprogram our taste for candy, that makes Mars Inc.’s $270 million factory, its first new factory in 35 years, a pretty safe investment. [More]