Ticketmaster will pay a $50,000 fine and shutter more than 100 deceptive brokerage sites as part of a wide-reaching agreement with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Madigan’s office accused Ticketmaster’s always shady subsidy, TicketsNow, of creating sites that masqueraded as local venues selling tickets at face value. The settlement also requires TicketsNow to wait until after Ticketmaster puts non-sporting events on sale before hawking tickets at outrageously inflated prices.
lisa madigan

Treasury Announces Multi-Agency Crackdown On Mortgage Fraud
Various U.S. officials, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, announced a multi-agency crackdown on foreclosure relief fraud today, vowing to “redouble efforts to crack down on schemes that target distressed homeowners and also to share more information and resources across agencies and with state officials,” says the WSJ.

10. Business fraud: 722
Yikes, that’s a lot of ID theft complaints. You should really consider shredding all of your paper garbage before you throw it out and all that other good stuff—whether you live in Illinois or not. [Sun-Times]