The e-commerce behemoth Amazon is so keen to fill 50,000 open jobs that it’s holding a series of job fairs across the country. Most of those jobs are in its warehouses and sortation centers, and the problem Amazon is encountering is that the labor market for people who work in warehouses is becoming very competitive. [More]
job fairs

Sears Is Hiring For Its Call Centers, Holds Job Fair In Alabama
It may surprise you to learn that Sears Holdings, a company that has been shedding jobs as it slims down its retail presence, is giving hope to people who are unemployed, but it’s true. The company is hiring for 100 new positions at its call center in Alabama, explaining that the closure of physical stores means that some of those sales shift online. [More]

Amy’s Baking Company Needs To Hire 30 People, Held Weekend Job Fair
The unemployment rate in the Phoenix metropolitan area is lower than the national rate, at only 6.4%. So it’s interesting that the next step in the comeback plan of the restaurant-cafe-Internet trainwreck was a massive job fair yesterday afternoon, in order to get staff in place for tomorrow’s grand re-opening. [More]

Sheriff's Deputy Uses Stun Gun On 30 High Schoolers At Job Fair
Maybe this is the real reason job fairs are being cancelled: A sheriff’s deputy in Colorado has been suspended after using his taser on 30 high school students at a job fair last week. And it wasn’t a case of overzealous policing; the students volunteered! [More]

Job Fair Canceled Even Though There Are Jobs To Be Had
A job fair in the South Carolina vacation town of Myrtle Beach was canceled this year because only 30% of the companies usually attending the expo had planned to return. But before you think this is a bleak sign that the recession is getting worse, there’s this fact: 70% of these companies say they are hiring. So why scrap the job fair if almost everyone is looking for employees? [More]

How To Win Your Local Job Fair
The anonymous, newly unemployed personal finance blogger behind Well-Heeled with a Mission put together a timely, helpful guide on how to avoid wasting your time at job fairs and actually come away with the experience with some positives rather than feel as though you’ve wasted your time in a cattle call.