jimmy kimmel

‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Produces A Fake Commercial For Sears That Could Work

‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Produces A Fake Commercial For Sears That Could Work

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but Sears still exists. For a while, we wondered whether it was an advanced anti-capitalist prank that only pretends to sell goods in exchange for money, and that may still be the case for corporate sibling Kmart. The writers of Jimmy Kimmel Live noticed this, and decided to help Sears out by making them a commercial. [More]

Watch Fashionistas Rave About Hot Designers Like Joe Isuzu, Meadowlark Lemon & George Costanza

Sure, people have been making videos outing fashion, food, wine, movie, and music snobs for years by getting them to rave about some completely made up person, product, or place… but it really never gets old. [More]

Hint: A = B

Fake Starbucks Taste Test Shows The Very Real Power Of Suggestion

Starbucks is rolling out its new Costa Rica Finca Palmilera coffee that costs $7 a cup (or $40/lb). So what better way to find out if people can tell the difference than by having a taste test? [More]