jack donaghy

GE: Missing Socks Are Running Away From Us

GE: Missing Socks Are Running Away From Us

If you’ve lost a sock, or two, or three in the laundry, GE wants to help. Actually, GE wants to help your socks, which, according to the manufacturer, are running away from insensitive consumers who don’t treat them right. Actually, the whole thing is a marketing campaign designed to promote GE’s washers and dryers. Where is Jack Donaghy when we need him? [More]

General Electric Responds To Twitter Distress Call, Fixes Shattered Stove

General Electric Responds To Twitter Distress Call, Fixes Shattered Stove

Mike writes that his parents came home one day to discover that the pretty black decorative glass on their oven door had broken into thousands of tiny black decorative glass shards. The stove was out of warranty, but they tried to contact GE anyway. After Mike learned about the situation, he posted to Twitter about it, hoping that GE might have some kind of special social media team scouring the Internet for dissatisfied customers. They did. [More]