ice ice baby

Dunkin’ Donuts Decides To Keep Cold Brew Coffee Around Until The End Of The Year

Dunkin’ Donuts Decides To Keep Cold Brew Coffee Around Until The End Of The Year

Now that Dunkin’ Donuts has given this whole cold brew coffee thing a try, it’s realizing that the cool kids might just be onto something: the drink has proved successful enough that the chain is going to keep it on the menu for a bit longer than planned. [More]

Entrepreneur Wants To Sell Un-Frozen Artisanal Ice Cubes

Entrepreneur Wants To Sell Un-Frozen Artisanal Ice Cubes

Last fall, we learned that artisanal ice cubes were an actual thing. Bars charge $1 extra for them, and they supposedly melt more slowly, leading to a less watery beverage experience and bragging rights. They cost about $1 per giant cube, and here’s the weird part: they ship unfrozen. [More]

Is Ordering Drinks Without Ice Just A Scam To Get More Delicious Beverage?

Is Ordering Drinks Without Ice Just A Scam To Get More Delicious Beverage?

I like to order my cold drinks (especially soda) without ice, because–shocking revelation–I don’t really like ice. I didn’t realize that all of these years, I’ve been running a massive scam on the eateries of America, weaseling extra beverages out of them with my innocent request. That’s what a barista at a Borders store accused JD of doing when he ordered an iced chai with no ice. She gave JD what he describes as “half a cup of lukewarm chai” (pictured). New Borders policy, or was she a vigilante anti-ice crusader? [More]