One Burger King manager in St. Louis, MO is really excited about the no shoes, no shirt, no service policy in his restaurant. In fact, if you bring a 6-month-old infant into his restaurant with no shoes and refuse to leave until you’re finished eating, he’s calling the police.
health code
The mice are all gone and the Pikesville Target is again open for business! [Baltimore Sun]

Rodent Infestation Forces Target To Close
A Target in Pikesville, Maryland “has been closed until further notice because of a rodent problem,” reports WBAL Baltimore. Target officials wouldn’t tell customers why they were closed—our tipster aishel says they told him it was for maintenance, and a person interviewed by WBAL says she was told it was a “water main problem.” Target’s corporate office, however, confirmed there’s a big mouse problem. Update: The store has reopened.