haagen dasz

Ben & Jerry's Announces Their Grocery Shrink Ray Immunity

Ben & Jerry's Announces Their Grocery Shrink Ray Immunity

1 pint = 16 fluid ounces — at least mathematically. In the ice cream world, however, there seems to be some shrinking going on.

Häagen-Dazs Drink Special Costs Twice As Much With "No Ice" Thanks To Handwritten Mouseprint

Häagen-Dazs Drink Special Costs Twice As Much With "No Ice" Thanks To Handwritten Mouseprint

Reader Joanne is wondering if the tiny handwritten mouseprint on the Haagen-Dazs drink special sign is purposefully misleading. She saw the special and ordered the drink, but when she asked for “no ice” she was told that it would cost twice as much, and that this information was on the sign. Her boyfriend examined the sign (after she got her ice-packed drink) and sure enough, in tiny handwriting at the bottom of the sign was a note that said the drink cost twice as much with “no ice.”