
25 Most Expensive Cities for a First Date

We tallied the average costs of some key elements of a first date: alcohol (specifically, a 1.5 liter bottle of Livingston Cellars, Gallo Chablis or Chenin Blanc wine), food (a 11- to 12-inch pizza from Pizza Hut), entertainment (an evening movie ticket), grooming (a barbershop visit), suiting up (a dry-cleaning bill) and transportation (price per gallon of gasoline). All categories were weighted equally (though price differences in barbershop visits and dry cleaning tended to be greater than those in gas and pizza). Finally–call us old-fashioned–we assumed that the guy pays, hence the barbershop visit instead of a trip to the beauty salon.

Gallo and Pizza Hut? Awesome. We guess that saves money by ensuring that there will not be a second date.

“I Blew the Brown Bunny”

“I Blew the Brown Bunny”

Here is a cool t-shirt you can get for only fifteen bucks. It reads, “I Blew Vincent Gallo and all I got was lockjaw.”