

There’s a George Foreman fryer now, people. It promises to “knock out” 55% of the fat by spinning your food. “Patented Smart Spin™ Technology lets you spin out the fat for up to 2 minutes with low or high speed setting.” You may begin posting your Arrested Development “cornballer” jokes in the comments at this time. [George Foreman]

Alternatives To Fire-Prone Turkey Fryers

Alternatives To Fire-Prone Turkey Fryers

A turkey fryer has never really sounded like a safe way to cook—there’s just something inherently stupid about the act of dropping a dead bird the size of a basketball into a vat of boiling oil, no matter how tasty the outcome. According to, “Turkey fryers are a known cause of many fires, so much so that the National Fire Protection Association advises against their use.” TheStreet test-drives an alternative, the $129 Char-Broil Big Easy oil-less fryer, which Char-Broil describes as “Just like a turkey fryer, minus the boiling, hot oil and visits from your local firefighters.” According to TheStreet, it doesn’t leave the skin as crispy as a real fryer would, but otherwise works great.