They say you’ve gotta break a couple eggs to make an omelet, but with egg prices at the lowest they’ve been in about 10 years, you can probably afford it if a few extra end up on the floor. [More]
food prices

Here’s Why Your Packaged Coffee Might Cost More Soon
If you’re the kind of person who can’t handle interacting with other humans — much less leaving the house — before you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning, brace yourself: the price of some packaged java products will likely be going up soon as a result of a spike in the price of raw coffee. [More]

Guacamole Lovers, Rejoice: Avocados Are Pretty Darn Cheap Right Now
If you’re the kind of person who runs shouting through the streets for all to hear when you find cheap avocados, pay attention: despite earlier concerns that the growing popularity of the fruit would make it more expensive for shoppers, avocado prices instead have fallen steeply. More guacamole for everyone! [More]

We Eat Too Much Now Because Food Is Super Cheap, Study Says
Collectively, as a nation, we eat a lot of food. A lot of high-fat, high-sugar bad-for-us, questionable food. Scientists of every stripe are always asking why we do this to ourselves. The answer? It might be as simple as: because we can afford to. [More]

People Realize Chicken Thighs Taste Good, Now Cost Same As Breasts
For too long, chicken thighs were the ignored child of the chicken meat family, relegated to bulk packs at ridiculously low prices. For people that knew what to do with the less-desired but more flavorful dark meat, it meant tasty meals that didn’t break the bank. But the secret is now out, and consumers are starting to pay top dollar for the one-time bargain poultry parts. [More]

Gas And Ingredients Are Cheap, So Why Are Grocery Prices Rising?
With the the cost of ingredients, gas prices, and interest rates dropping, why are food manufacturers continuing to hike prices and shrink products? According to the L.A. Times, supermarkets don’t know, but they’re as pissed as we are.