Instead of a few bucks and some gift cards, Lowe’s has amended its stinky Chinese drywall settlement so that plaintiffs can get up to $100,000 – money that will come in a lot more handy for people whose entire houses and most of their possessions were ruined by the sulphuric fumes. [More]

Stinky-Smelling Drywall Maker Will Repair 300 Homes
One of the manufacturers being sued for selling drywall that reeked up houses with the smell of rotting eggs is participating in a pilot program to make repairs on 300 homes. Awesome, only a few more thousand to go. [More]

Lowe's Proposes To Settle Sulfur-Spewing Drywall Claims With Piddly Gift Cards
Lowe’s is proposing to settle in the tainted drywall class action lawsuit with gift cards. The gift cards will be $50, $250, or $2000. Never mind those who entire homes, way of life, and most of their possessions and electronics ruined or contaminated by the sulfur-emitting drywall. Here, how about a discount on a new showerhead? [More]

CPSC Links Chinese Drywall To Home Corrosion
The CPSC announced findings linking Chinese drywall to reports of home corrosion, and a possible link between the sulfuric gas emitting from them and health problems.

Great news, homeowners! Drywall manufactured in China from waste byproducts may have a horrible stench and corrode everything in your house, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission has concluded that at least it’s not radioactive. [Consumer Reports Safety]

Did Poisonous Chinese Drywall Cause Florida House Fires?
As if it weren’t bad enough that poisonous Chinese drywall is blame for health problems, corroded electrical work, and general stench. Now the drywall may be to blame for two house fires in Florida. Who knew that Chinese industrial waste is a problematic ingredient for building materials?

Radioactive Chinese Drywall Is Stinking Up U.S. Homes
The government thinks radioactive industrial waste from China is responsible for a recent sulfur stench that has plagued hundreds of Florida homes. Demand for Chinese drywall spiked during the housing boom, but federal regulators believe the drywall contained phosphogypsum, a banned waste byproduct that features prominently in Chinese construction. When used in drywall, the probable carcinogen can corrode “air conditioners, mirrors, electrical outlets and even jewelry.”

EPA Releases Report On Stinky Chinese Drywall
Homeowners in Florida have been complaining that Chinese-made drywall has been stinking up their homes and corroding their wiring — and now that EPA has released a report that finds that indeed, there is something rotten smelling in the drywall. Sulfur.

Chinese Poison Drywall Creates Sulfuric Acid Inside Homes
You know what would make for some good drywall? The waste materials from scrubbers on coal-fired power plants. That’s apparently what some Chinese manufacturers thought during the housing boom. When they leak and combine with the moisture on AC coils, the result is sulfuric acid, according to complaints by some Floridian homeowners. The acid dissolves the coils on the AC units and in some cases the units fail. Imagine what it does to your lungs.