digital tv

5 Reasons To Fret Over DTV Coupons

5 Reasons To Fret Over DTV Coupons

The federal government continues to bungle the transition to digital television, this time by making it difficult for consumers to redeem subsidy coupons for DTV converter boxes.


Nearly two million TV converter box coupons have already been requested from the gov’s coupon site. You have until March 31st, 2009 to request one.

Government Launches TV Converter Box Coupon Website

Government Launches TV Converter Box Coupon Website

The U.S. government, in its infinite wisdom, has launched a website that allows you to apply for a “converter box” coupon so that your analog-only TV will work after the digital transition.

FCC Regulators Sing, Make Fun Of Our Woeful Unpreparedness For DTV Transition

FCC Regulators Sing, Make Fun Of Our Woeful Unpreparedness For DTV Transition

Meet The Singing Regulators. Regular FCC employees by day, these mellifluous regulators spend their nights performing humorous sendups inspired by the Commission’s work. Their latest song pokes fun at the FCC‘s utter failure to prepare the nation for the planned February 2009 transition to digital television.