delta breaks guitars


Musician Gets Help From Delta And Gibson After Baggage Handlers Wrecked Guitar

It was a terrible day for rock music in Detroit, Hanukkah-themed and otherwise, when Delta staff forced musician Dave Schneider to check his vintage Gibson guitar as luggage and it got caught in a service elevator. The instrument wasn’t destroyed beyond repair, but the repairs were going to cost an estimated $2,000. Then there was a rock miracle. Gibson, the iconic company that made his guitar half a century ago, offered an amazing opportunity: they could offer him not just a factory tour and a 50th anniversary replica of a similar model, but also repair his damaged guitar for free. [More]


That’s The Horrible Sound Of My Vintage Guitar Jammed In Delta’s Service Elevator

Musician Dave Schneider of hockey-themed rock band The Zambonis and Hanukkah-themed band The LeeVees usually carries his guitar on when flying to a gig. You know, so baggage handlers don’t get their paws on it, he can keep an eye on it, and did I mention the part where he doesn’t trust baggage handlers with expensive musical instruments? [More]