customer service

Borders Forces Customer To Take Plastic Bag, Claims It Is "Proof Of Purchase"

Borders Forces Customer To Take Plastic Bag, Claims It Is "Proof Of Purchase"

A Borders cashier wouldn’t give Allison her copy of Harry Potter without a plastic bag. A mindful environmentalist, Allison refused, even after the cashier stated that the bag would serve as Allison’s proof of purchase. When Allison pointed out the absurdity of using a bag as proof of purchase when she had a receipt, the cashier:

…rolled her eyes and said that if I didn’t want the bag, I could throw it away as soon as I left the store. I exclaimed that that was certainly the least environmentally friendly thing anyone could do, and she just pushed my book, a bag, a poster and my receipt at me and said, “Next.”

Allison’s letter to Borders, and their response, after the jump.