crime stoppers

How (And Why) A Pack Of Twitter Vigilantes Recovered A Stranger's Stolen Laptop

How (And Why) A Pack Of Twitter Vigilantes Recovered A Stranger's Stolen Laptop

A guy was able to hunt down his laptop after he lost it by using a program that gave him remote access to it, tracking its location and taking screenshots of the person who was using it. He even got the guys name after watching him log into Skype. Problem was the laptop was in New York City and the owner was traveling in Canada. So he began live-tweeting his predicament and the Twitterverse rose up and rescued his laptop. [More]

Need $50? Call Crime Stoppers!

Need $50? Call Crime Stoppers!

As those delicious morsels behind grocery store windows grow increasingly unaffordable, citizens become more willing to report their law-breaking neighbors to Crime Stoppers in exchange for rewards ranging from $50-$1,000. “Two or three arrests per week, you could make $700, $750 per week,” Sergeant Selfsaid. “You could make better than a minimum-wage job.”

Consumerist Prevents You From Getting Mugged?

Consumerist Prevents You From Getting Mugged?

Reader Geoff was at a gas station with his girlfriend when a shady looking dude approached them and started asking for money so he could pay someone to unlock his car and free the 11 month-old kid whom he’d locked inside… in a dark corner of the next parking lot over. Hm. Was he telling the truth? Geoff writes:

Dear Consumerist,