
Slate's 10 Ways To Fix Airline Seating

Slate's 10 Ways To Fix Airline Seating

Yesterday we covered Slate’s look at what’s wrong with airline seating–it’s not just overweight people who feel cramped on flights these days. Slate asked its readers to come up with some practical solutions to the problem, and today they printed the top ten suggestions. [More]

Slate Looks At What's Wrong With Airline Seating

Slate Looks At What's Wrong With Airline Seating

Although we’ve discussed it here plenty of times, the recent twitstorm caused by Kevin Smith after he was booted from a Southwest flight has brought more mainstream coverage to the issue of airline seating. Slate asked its readers for input, and today it published the most consistent arguments, like it’s not just a problem for overweight people, and we might have to buy our way out of it. [More]