

Restaurant Knocks $5 Off Brunch Bill For “Well Behaved Kids”

While parents who let their kids run wild in public are often the object of (much-deserved) scorn and derision, moms and dads whose youngsters behave themselves rarely get the high-five they deserve for reducing the world’s general level of brattiness. But yesterday, a restaurant in Canada decided that a family with a non-rowdy kid deserved a break on their bill. [More]

Healthy Cooking Teacher Must Stop Taking Name Of Kraft Mac & Cheese In Vain

Healthy Cooking Teacher Must Stop Taking Name Of Kraft Mac & Cheese In Vain

In the mysterious northern land of Canada, the delicious boxed food-like substance that we Americans call “Kraft Macaroni & Cheese” is called by its original name: “Kraft Dinner,” or “KD,” affectionately. When a Calgary food blogger began a cooking class for college students meant to show them quick, easy, and non-orange food options, he called it “Kick the KD.” Then Kraft contacted him to let him know that they didn’t appreciate having the name of their flagship product taken in vain. [More]

Food Tampering Craze Hits Calgary As Copycats Join In

Food Tampering Craze Hits Calgary As Copycats Join In

Maybe Calgary’s residents didn’t like being eclipsed by the Olympics, or maybe there’s just an awfully high number of bored crooks living there. Either way, the city has now reported 11 cases of food tampering, mostly involving shards of metal inserted into food items, in grocery stores across the city since January. [More]