

Suspected Peeping Toms Crash Through Ceiling Of Women’s Bathroom At Movie Theater

Here’s the thing: If you don’t want people to suspect you of being a peeping Tom, don’t crawl around in the ceiling above a women’s bathroom. But if you do happen to fall through such a ceiling, like two men did in Georgia? Cops will probably accuse you of spying on ladies. Which is what happened just recently. [More]

FDA One Step Closer To Approving First Drug For HIV Prevention

FDA One Step Closer To Approving First Drug For HIV Prevention

The battle against AIDS continues, with a favorable review by the Food and Drug Administration of a pill that has been used to treat HIV. The hope is that the pill could be used to prevent people from contracting the virus that causes AIDS. [More]

Reader Discovers New Secret Menu Order At In-N Out

Reader Discovers New Secret Menu Order At In-N Out

A couple years ago we put together a comprehensive list of all the secret menus in the world. But time continues to march on and apparently there are still new menu secrets to be discovered.


Do you suffer from premature ejaculations? Waitdon’tanswertha—oh too late. Just know that help may be on the way, with the first topical spray proven in medical studies to delay the magic moment six times longer than without. It’s been approved for use in Great Britain but doesn’t have FDA approval in the US yet—although NBC News says we’ll likely see it here in the next couple of years. Update: Consumer Reports says the spray isn’t really all that after all. [MSNBC] (Photo: wili_hybrid)