UPDATE: The reports were true — Toys ‘R’ Us has indeed filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and says it hopes to keep its stores running through this holiday season. [More]
babies “r” us

Toys “R” Us & Babies “R” Us Offering Discounts For Return Of Potentially Dangerous Products
Each year manufacturers and federal safety regulators initiate safety recalls for a number of baby- and child-focused products. One major retailer wants to ensure you’ve rid your home of these potentially dangerous items by offering discounts if you trade in the goods for new ones. [More]

Family Of Two Toddlers Crushed By Fallen Dresser Sues Babies R Us Store, Furniture Maker
The family of two toddler sisters who died after a dresser fell on them is now suing the Babies R Us store where the dresser was purchased in Pennsylvania, as well as a New Jersey furniture maker. [More]

Babies “R” Us Is Already Over Christmas, Moves On To Valentine’s Day
It’s not often that we find a retailer that’s over Christmas before it even starts — on the contrary, we usually find Christmas Creep to be the creepiest of all the holiday creeps, sometimes starting as far back as July. But they’re not having it over at Babies “R” Us. In fact, Christmas might as well be over, for all this store cares. [More]

Consumer Reports Says “Don’t Buy” Heidi Klum Truly Scrumptious Stroller
A $220 Heidi Klum Truly Scrumptious Travel System stroller has been judged a “Don’t Buy” Safety Risk by our cohorts at Consumer Reports after it was the only one, out of more than 100 strollers rated by the magazine, on which the safety harness failed to stay securely latched during tests. [More]

Why Did My Free Gift Card Cost $10?
Mike is confused. He took advantage of a Babies ‘R’ Us deal promising a free $10 gift card with the purchase of a certain amount of Pampers brand disposable diapers. In the checkout line, he was confused when the cashier added the gift card and his total purchase went up by $10. That’s not how “free” works! [More]

Babies ‘R’ Us Issues Stroller Refund After Grieving Father Forgets Receipt
Gabe and his wife didn’t need a $300 stroller anymore. Their daughter died just says before she was supposed to be born, and looking at the huge, unopened, never-to-be-opened box in the living room just intensified his grief. It had to go. Unfortunately, when he packed it up to bring back to Babies R Us before his wife got home from the hospital, he forgot his receipt for that purchase. He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, “my baby died, and I don’t need a gift card to a baby store.” Don’t pile on and blame him, though: someone at Toys ‘R’ Us consulted their soul instead of the policy book and this story has a happy ending. [More]

This Toys 'R' Us Coupon Excludes Toys. No, Really
Phillip and his wife set up a Babies ‘R’ Us/Toys ‘R’ Us registry for their soon-to-arrive new baby. After all of the fun of zapping items in the store with guns, they received a registry completion coupon in the mail. After the shower and baby gifts stop coming, they could buy anything left on the registry for 10% off. These coupons are pretty common, and come in handy. Well, unless you’re Phillip’s family. Their registry completion coupon isn’t very handy at all, because it excludes just about everything on their registry. [More]
Babies "R" Us Manager Saves My Daughter's First Birthday Party With Free Shoes
As all discerning one-year-olds know, one simply cannot show up to one’s own first birthday party shoeless. Such was the situation for Larry’s daughter, when his daughter’s birthday party was only 25 minutes away and her party shoes were too small. Off he sped into the dark of night (or afternoon, more likely) to procure new footwear from Babies “R” Us. [More]

What Can This Babies R Us Coupon Actually Be Used For?
In the comments of yesterday’s Lane Bryant post, reader DeadPlasmaCell shared this terrible coupon for Babies R Us. The list of excluded items includes, essentially, the entire inventory of a Babies R Us store. What’s left? Clothes? It would be a nice coupon if it said “20% off any clothing item” instead (except for the excepted clothing lines) but that would be too simple and much, much too easy. [More]

For Kids Who Celebrate Their First Thanksgiving At Age 2
Maybe your kid slept through his first Thanksgiving. Maybe you adopted him from another country. Or maybe he chose not to observe the holiday last year as some sort of protest, latching on to an activist movement in his youth, only to see the error of his ways and join in the turkey-munching fun this year. [More]

You Can Use Bed Bath And Beyond Coupons At Babies 'R' Us (Sometimes)
Did you know hat you can take those super-awesome Bed, Bath, and Beyond 20% off one item coupons and use them at Babies “R” Us? Blogger John of Baby At Play heard about this coupon swap, and investigated the situation on behalf of all parents and doting friends and relatives. Turns out it can be done…but not all stores participate. [More]

This Baby Outfit Provides A Disturbing Vision Of The Future
Is “Someday I’ll get trashed at prom” an appropriate slogan for a baby t-shirt or onesie? How about “future cougar?” Sure, we at Consumerist like over-the-top humor as much as more than anyone, but can kids’ shirts go too far? Or does it matter all that much when the wearer can’t even talk yet, let alone read? That’s what Brian wonders about this outfit from Wry Baby available at Babies ‘R’ Us. [More]

Does This Potty Seat Need An Extended Warranty?
Kelly just bought a plastic Baby Bjorn potty seat at Babies R Us. When the cashier rang it up, the system told her to ask Kelly if she’d like to pay another 30% of the purchase price for a service plan.

Guides For Choosing Safe, Affordable Baby Products
If you’re expecting a baby but terrified of places like Babies ‘R’ Us, you’re not alone. Shopping for a newborn can be a scary process, what with all the gizmos and knickknacks promising conveniences for situations you hadn’t even considered.

Babies R Us Accused Of Price Fixing
If you feel like had to pay too much for baby supplies this past decade, look to Babies R Us. Time reports that last week, “the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia granted class-action status to a complaint that Babies ‘R’ Us coerced manufacturers of high-end strollers, car seats, high chairs, strap carriers and breast pumps into preventing Internet retailers from discounting their products.”

Babies "R" Us: Don't Try Using Our Nursing Chairs For Their Intended Purpose
Reader Addie says that she was at Babies “R” Us to pick up some stairway gates and try out a “glider”, but when she attempted to use the chair for its intended purpose, she was told that she was not allowed to breastfeed on the sales floor.