are you kidding me


Yet Another Reason To Hate Paying For Parking: Parking Garage Payment Systems Hacked

The holiday shopping season is now well and truly upon us. This being 2014 and all, that also means the holiday hacking season is upon us. Last year Target was infamously the, er, target of Black Friday bad guys. This year, though, it’s not just stores losing your information to criminals. Now you have to worry about the parking lots outside of them, too. [More]

Newspapers Want To Charge Subscribers Extra To Receive Black Friday Ads

Newspapers Want To Charge Subscribers Extra To Receive Black Friday Ads

If your household still receives a daily or Sunday newspaper, take pity on your neighborhood’s paper carrier. It’s hard work to haul the ad-stuffed Thanksgiving editions of the paper to subscribers’ doorsteps. Still, that probably isn’t what papers like the Chicago Tribune and Detroit Free Press had in mind when they announced that they’ll be charging subscribers an extra dollar or two for the privilege of receiving a bunch of ads. [More]