If you’ve browsed an Apple Store recently, you may notice that the display devices are no longer tethered to their docks or tables. That’s because new security measures mean that the devices don’t work outside of the store. Maybe no one told the five young men who ran off with with more than 20 devices that can only really be used as pretty paperweights. [More]
apple store

French Apple Store Smasher Sentenced, Ordered To Repay $19K In Damages
The man who went on a phone-smashing spree at a mall near Dijon, France, reportedly because the company wouldn’t replace his defective iPhone, has received a six-month suspended prison sentence. He must stay away from the mall and pay Apple back for his destruction spree. [More]

Apple: No Evidence Apple Store Workers Stole Photos From Customers’ iPhones
Even though Apple fired several Apple Store employees accused of stealing photos from female customers’ iPhones, the company says that there is no evidence that any such theft occurred. [More]

Man Smashes Apple Store Merchandise, Yelling About Consumer Rights
We don’t know how Apple wronged this customer in Dijon, France, but he caught everyone’s attention when he walked calmly around a store, smashing iPhones and at least one computer with a steel ball. During his smashing spree, he told employees and shoppers about his grievances with the company, then tried to leave the store before mall security caught up with him. [More]

Police: Thief Dressed Like Apple Employee Walks Out Of NYC Store With 19 iPhones
In the movies, thieves are always donning clever, complicated disguises to skulk about and commit foul deeds. But it turns out, you don’t even need a fake mustache and a fedora to go undetected if you have the right shirt on. [More]

Tim Cook: Apple Employee Kicking Black Teens Out Of Store Was “Unacceptable”
Earlier this week, video showing an Apple store employee in Melbourne, Australia explaining to a group of black teens that they’d been asked to leave the premises because “we’re worried you might steal something.” The company apologized yesterday, saying Apple believes in equality “for everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.” CEO Tim Cook also addressed the situation in an email, calling the treatment of the teens “unacceptable.” [More]

Federal Judge Dismisses Apple Store Employees’ Lawsuit Over Bag Searches
Earlier this year, a 2013 lawsuit filed by Apple Store employees went forward, seeking class action status. The workers complained that mandatory searches of their bags before leaving the store premises occurred while they were off the clock, and the searches were “insulting and demeaning.” Over the weekend, the class action was dismissed. The judge’s reasoning: there’s no reason why employees need to bring a bag to work, or their personal Apple devices. [More]

We Live In A World Where There’s An iPad Waiting In Line To Buy An iPhone 6S
What with the inevitable, eventual artificial intelligence revolution always hangin on the horizon, we’re actually sort of surprised that this is the first we’ve heard of a robot holding a spot in line to buy a new iPhone. A woman in Australia sent her mechanical representative to wait for the release of the iPhone 6 at the Apple Store in Sydney, because it’s much better than camping out for hours or even days. And robots don’t even have to leave for bathroom breaks. [More]

Apple Eliminates Its Online Store, Moves “Buy” Buttons To Product Pages
Before you start to panic at the headline, no, you will not have to physically go to an Apple store to get whatever gadgets your heart desires. Although Apple did remove its online store directory from its previous home of “store.apple.com,” you can still purchase products from the company on the web. It just looks a bit different now. [More]

AT&T No Longer Offering 2-Year Contracts On iPhone Through Apple Online Store
Are you a current or future iPhone user who enjoys going right to the Apple Store to buy your new device when it’s time to upgrade? You’re going to have to go with Sprint or Verizon in the future if that’s the case: AT&T is no longer offering subsidized devices when you buy your phone through Apple. [More]

Mysterious Substance On Package Sickens Apple Store Employees, Sends 4 To Hospital
Retail stores receive lots of packages every day, but no one expects them to send employees to the hospital. That’s what happened at an Apple Store in Monterey, California, when a package covered with a mysterious chemical made store employees ill, sending four to the hospital and forcing authorities to evacuate that area of the mall. [More]

Apple Retail Chief: The Days Of Waiting In Line At The Store Are Over
Camping out in line days in advance of the newest Apple product is so 2014, y’all, to the point where the company’s retail chief is reportedly pushing workers to nudge customers seeking out the Apple Watch or new MacBook to order online instead of waiting it out at physical stores. [More]

Apple Continues To Surprise No One, Officially Removes Rival Fitness Trackers From Stores
In a signal that the Apple Watch’s arrival is nigh, Apple’s retail stores across the country are apparently ditching other fitness and health wearables. [More]

Apple Removes Fitbit Products From Online Store For Real
A few weeks ago, we shared an interesting piece of news with you: there were reports that Apple would stop selling Fitbit wearable devices in its stores in the coming months. This prediction has come true, but only partway: while Fitbit trackers disappeared from the company’s website last Friday, they remain on the shelves of real-life Apple Stores. For now. [More]

Apple Stores To Stop Selling Fitbit Trackers, New Product Photos Leaked
If you’re one of the people who loved the Fitbit Force, but returned the fitness-tracking wristband when you suffered from contact dermatitis or when the product was recalled in the United States, good news. Photos have leaked of a product display for the Force’s rumored replacements, and they look very similar. However, we have bad news if you planned to buy that wristband at your local Apple Store. [More]

Apple Online Store, Some Carriers’ Sites Get Glitchy With Start Of iPhone 6 Preorders
We’ve got a sneaking suspicion that whoever was in charge of handling Apple’s livestreaming announcement for its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus earlier this week might’ve been at the helm of the company’s online store early this morning, after frustrated customers trying to preorder the phones were unable to do so when the clock finally hit the designated hour. [More]

People Started Lining Up Outside Of Tokyo Apple Store On Sunday
You may have heard that there are new products emerging from the magical land of Cupertino tomorrow. People started camping out near the glass edifice of a Manhattan Apple Store last week, but they have sponsors. The campers in Tokyo’s fancy Ginza district set up on Sunday, and are supposedly there out of just fanatical devotion to Apple products. [More]

Man Charged With Conning Apple Stores Out Of $310,000
It’s not entirely uncommon for a quick trip to the Apple store to ring up a considerable bill. But it was the other way around for a Florida man who allegedly scammed the company out more than $310,000. [More]