Smartphones Get More Advanced, But Most Americans Still Just Use Them For Pictures

(Ninja M.)
I’ll admit it, sometimes my phone gets the best of me. Apparently, I’m not alone. Smartphones are getting smarter, while we consumers are just getting more confused.
With technology innovators constantly one-upping each other with the latest and greatest, it’s not surprising that every generation – even those born with phones in their hands – are falling behind.
The Washington Post reports that 62% of Americans’ own a smartphone, but fewer than 5% use them for things such as showing movie or plane tickets – a more advanced service. However, 81% of smartphone owners use the device to send text messages – that’s something right?
A recent Gallup poll highlights the gap between younger and older smartphone users. Smartphone use among the younger generation, ages 18-29, is fairly commonplace – 88%, while only 25% of older adults, those ages 65 and older, use smartphones.
Trouble using smartphones isn’t just your grandma’s problem anymore. The Post illustrates the shift in technology usability by showcasing several people who have been outwitted by their smartphones.
A 41-year-old woman just couldn’t figure out how to take a selfie. Because she couldn’t get the camera turned around, she constantly took photos of objects. Finally, a good samaritan showed her the way.
Or take the case of a 52-year-old woman in Alexandria, VA who couldn’t silence her husband’s “Galaxy Whatever” phone. She eventually tried hiding the phone in the kitchen so she could get some sleep.
So with CES recently under our belt we have so much to look forward to – 4K TVs, Glasses-Free 3D, an internet-connected smart baby onesie (What?!) – oh, and a lot more questions for tech support.
Smartphones get more sophisticated, but their owners do not [The Washington Post]
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