It’ll Only Cost You $125 To Escape The Clutches Of Windows 8 With Downgrade To Windows 7

Hey, Microsoft? Just a little heads up. If customers despise your latest and ostensibly greatest operating system so much that businesses are offering a downgrade service, you might want to take that as a sign that something has gone wrong. Because while we can understand having to pay for an upgrade, ponying up cash just to take a step back on your new laptop with pre-installed software is well, it’s a step back.
Twitter user @jury noticed the interesting offer for a Certified Microsoft Professional to downgrade customers back to Windows 7 for the bargain price of $125, tweeting “Signs that Windows 8 is really that bad” with the photographic evidence (via Cult of Mac).
While we personally can’t speak for either OS, usually businesses offer services if there’s a need for them, so apparently enough PC users are fed up with the newest software and just want things to go back to how they used to be.
Of course, as Consumerist reader David points out, you don’t have to pay $125 to downgrade, that’s just what this particular business is offering as a fee to do it for you. Microsoft outlines your rights to do so yourself free f cost here.
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