Sony Goes After People Who Spread PS3 Hack

First Sony went after alleged PS3 hackers who broke down the console’s firmware, opening it up to gamers to run pirated, copied and unlicensed games. Now it wants information on those who posted details of the hack online, even though they had no hand in its creation.
Wired reports the company has asked a federal judge to force Google to reveal the IP information for those who viewed and commented on a private YouTube video about how to pull off the hack. Sony also wants Twitter to identify hackers who came up with an earlier version of the hack.
In legal documents, Sony wrote it wants the information so it can send these people notices to remove the offending material. A lawyer representing an accused hacker calls Sony’s proposed discovery “overbroad.”
How much information do you think Sony is entitled to?
Sony Lawyers Expand Dragnet, Targeting Anybody Posting PlayStation 3 Hack [Wired]
Previously: Sony Goes After Alleged PS3 Hackers, Wants Them To Hush Up
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