Comments on: Suing Big Companies In Small Claims Court Is Fun And Easy Fri, 23 Sep 2016 19:39:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Ohio Thu, 17 Mar 2011 20:10:46 +0000 The 3 major credit reporting agencies report on individuals, not businesses. Dun & Bradstreet reports on businesses, and they do pick up judgments. However, every business of any size gets sued from time to time, so this doesn’t carry much weight unless its a large amount.

By: longtimegeek Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:54:58 +0000 It varies from state to state – in Colorado, the person in court as the representative of the company has to be a full-time employee of the company. So, if they have full-time lawyers on their payroll, they could send a lawyer – otherwise, nope. So they could not just pay an in-state lawyer to take the case.

Even if they have a “full-time employee lawyer” if that person is not based in Colorado, they would have to fly them in.

By: Bob Fri, 09 Apr 2010 19:34:01 +0000 This is exactly what this article is talking about. He sued for provable actual damages, plus anything else that was provably reasonable. Each state is different but I can’t imagine Big American Bank sending an attorney to challenge your lawsuit in small claims lawsuit for $80 (plus maybe pennies in interest) in overdraft charges that should not have been posted as per their own rules and you can prove the company is stonewalling you in making a resolution.

By: Anonymous Mon, 13 Apr 2009 06:49:40 +0000 I like that. Not too many consumers deal with the hassle. I had to do it with Experian (but that was in Federal Court)and yes, I will go after Chrysler next for not retuning my fees and not answering me in writing. I will give them 30 days to respond and get my fees back they were not supposed to charge me and a I’ll file in small claims. It $100 in fees but I don’t care. I have to pay 5 more years with these people I will not watch this add up because they think I will just ignore it.

By: shepd Thu, 28 Aug 2008 20:26:01 +0000 Well, there’s still people discussing this, and it’s an article on the main page, so:

In Ontario, Canada, you may hire a lawyer or paralegal for small claims (either side). However, should damages awarded end up including the cost of the lawyer (which it usually doesn’t) the maximum, at least only a few years ago, is $300. For most cases, especially with big companies, this means there’s no point sending a lawyer as:

Travel expenses + Legal fees – $300 > Cost of just settling.

Even if the lawyer is not hired externally (and even huge companies like UPS don’t have their own personal team of lawyers, I know from suing them!) and is already on the payroll, that lawyer is tied up for a couple of days with travel arrangements, etc. It’s unlikely he doesn’t have something better to do with his time that makes the company a lot more money. 🙂

By: bearfanrp Thu, 29 May 2008 20:07:33 +0000

One note, that in TX for an additional $5, you can request a Jury Trial, even in small claims court.

By: OPWriter2008 Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:47:22 +0000


I agree that companies are not out to get anyone. But they ARE out to get all the money they can from anyone, any way that they can.

You state “I’m sorry, but what the OP is doing is basically extortion.” EXTORTION: to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power: to gain especially by ingenuity or compelling argument…….. “Basically”

By this definition;
-Any company that ALWAYS seems to make errors in THEIR favor is EXTORTING money from their customers. But this is not a crime; it’s a simple civil mater.
-A prosecutor that makes deals with criminals to get a confession in exchange for a lesser punishment is also extortion. Again, this is an absolutely legal form of extortion.
-An attorney that says they will sue someone if that person doesn’t correct the action disputed is also a perfectly legal form of extortion. Not only that, it’s a legal form of a threat.

Extortion and threats are not necessarily illegal; in fact, they are an indispensible part of our legal system. This is a fact that has taken a front seat by the Bush administration. According to Bush’s ilk, it’s legal to extract information with torture; perfectly Ok to spy on Americans; legal to lock up Americans indefinably without a single hearing, no legal representation, no charges.

In the last 25 years, our economy has shifted from the company that is rewarded for their hard work, innovation and good customer service to an economy that favors the tricky, the ones that have the most hidden fees, the ones that cheat and the ones that engage in predatory business practices.

Extortion, threats, intimidation and sucker punching are all parts of my tool kit. I use these tools SHAMELESSLY to beat the opposition into submission because these are the tools used against me.

NEVER bring a knife to a gun fight.

By: OPWriter2008 Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:18:08 +0000

Washington Mutual Registered Agent:

Registered Agent Information
Address 1301 2ND AVE
WMC 3501
State WA
ZIP 98101

By: Oregon_Bill Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:51:19 +0000 Bill, you’re a man after my own heart. Found this website completely by an interesting coincidence. I am making preparations to take Washington Mutual to small claims and encountered what may be a problem. When I undertook to look up their registered agent, I found that Washington Mutual is not required to register in WA. Sec’y of State says that is because they are a federal bank. What’s with that? Any comment?

By: OPWriter2008 Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:37:52 +0000

To All comments:

I’m Bill, the person that prompted this story.

In Washington, an attorny is not allowed to set foot in small claims unles they are suing for their own or being sued directly.

I have never sued a small company (small = 50 employees or less).

In all the three cases I mentioned here, they offered to settle. End of case. They had the chance to defend themselves, tell the court they are not required to pay punitive damages. They had the chance to move these cases to a higher court. BUT, they decided to do none this. This was THEIR decision. THEY chose to loose and that is that.

Letigious you say that I am? YOU BET I AM! Corporate America has taught me well and like a good student, I learned how to WIN. Every tactic at my disposal is used to that end. In a state where our politicians SUE the voters, I see no problem suing goverment and corporations at the drop of a hat.

Should I profit from suing? YOU BET I SHOULD! Lawyers, banks, elected officials, insurance companies profit all the time from suing people, why shouldn’t I?

For all you complainers moaning about what I do, there is a distinct difference between me and you. I DO SOMETHING. You are no more than a critic, a sucker that will forever complain that someone is not doing enough while you sit and do nothing.

Nobody writes about persons that play it safe.

